Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Today's Run - 11/23

A nice 5K run this morning in prep for the Boar's Head Inn Turkey Trot. I am excited to run the turkey trot with Ella in the stroller. This means that I will be starting in the back of the pack, but we will work our way up. The goal will be to be under 27Mins.

I did the Darby Loop which is a small lollipop route with some good hills. I was not pushing to hard, but worked the negative splits from 8:20 down to 8:00min mile pace. It was warmer this morning that the last few days and I was comfortable in my long sleeve shirt and shorts. I am getting out early even though I only have a few miles to run. It is nice to get my run in and have time to enjoy the morning with the family.

My legs are feeling good, but I am amazed how hard it is to run fast. Switching from the longer slower runs to short fast distance really pushes my legs and heart rate differently. It is not that I like the longer run pace better, it is just different to be back working on speed. I did a little bit of speed work in my last marathon training and hope to add more as I prepare for the National Marathon in March 2011.

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