Monday, October 25, 2010

Are you insured incase you hit the wall?

The Boston Marathon sellout in 8hrs and the fact we are in Marathon season seems to have created a huge marathon buzz in the news. A couple articles about the science of hitting the wall with information from Benjamin Rapoport,a medical student and doctoral student at Harvard and the Massachusetts of Technology. One from NPR and one from UPI. Both talk about the need to hydrate and carbo load. that reminds me, I still need to work on my nutrition plan for my upcoming race.

On another note, my friend passed along an article that discusses the paradox of medical insurance for long distance runners and high percentage of injuries while doing something that is supposed to be healthy. You can find the NY Times article here

1 comment :

  1. Doug - Thanks for the tip on nutrition & hydration. I've been experiencing some calf cramping and need a remedy quick...race day only a couple weeks away!

    Have a good trip. See you soon.
