Saturday, October 16, 2010

Today's Run - 10/16

This weeks long run was at White Hall Vineyards. It was cold and crisp this morning when we headed out just before sunrise. It took me a bit to get going this morning and my heart rate shot up once I started running but calmed down after the first mile and half. This course seems to be flat, but in fact you are always running up or down hill. With the up hills being typically long and shallow slope. I started out slow and had negative splits for my first 7 miles. Mile 8 had a significant up hill slope and miles 9 through 12 were a slow up hill grade, but my times were still in the low to mid 9min pace. I finished up pretty well with miles 12-15 considering the up hill finish. Overall my pace was 9:09, which is just a bit slower than my marathon pace. Coach would say I went out too fast...

I was surprised that how fast the first 5 Miles went, I stopped for water and had a GU. I had another GU Chomps at mile 10.5. It was such a cool day that I did not drink to much Gatorade or water, but felt well hydrated.

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