Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Today's Run - 12/7

The cold weather streak continued into this week with temperatures in the high teen's and low 20's this morning. The wind chill made made it a bit colder and I felt like I was running into a head wind in the open areas of my route.

I did the Paddington loop and Q2 to get a little over 6Mile run in. In the Q2 section, I found an area of new development where the construction team has cleared a trail road. I did a quick run down the trail to see how the land clearing activities for the new section of the neighborhood was going. I stopped to watch the early morning light start to shine on the newly exposed landscape. It was nice to catch my breadth and see a peace view.

This was a pretty good run. I am staying on the 8:30 pace pretty well. I feel good while running at this pace and I could easily maintain a conversation if required. My legs feel good and I can see my heart rate is pretty well under control.

In the next week or so I will layout the training program for the spring marathon. I can tell that I will want some speed work soon.

I am traveling this week and expect that the remainder of my runs will be on a hotel treadmill. The weather reports for Dublin, Ohio appear to be cold, windy and snowy.

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