Monday, May 3, 2010

Today's Run - 5/3

I headed out this morning to hoping that the rain would hold off for a quick 4mile run to start the week.    I did not know that my day would bring two things that I have not had to experience with in my running to yet. 

After about a mile in, I saw what I think was a dog strolling down the road in front of me.  As I come closer, the animal moved off the road and into the yard of a near by house to watch me run by.   Once I was close enough, I saw that it is actually the coyote that the neighborhood watch has been warning about.  I should have stopped to take a picture, but I decided to keep on moving and not look like a wounded animal he could eat for breakfast.   

I am still a little sore from the marathon and dealing with a few aches and pains in my knees.   They have not been to bad but this morning after running  ~5K I got a sharp pain in my right knee.  It is also time for a new pair of shoes, and I have been working on changing my gait and turnover rate.  With all these contributing factors, and the pain I decided to call it quits for the first time ever and the 1/4Mile walk home.  At least the rain held off.

I got home and iced my knees and will do it again tonight.  Tomorrow I will probably head to the Gym or take the day off....  I don't think I can take the mental aspect of an injury right now.

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